
[Vidéo] The Amsterdam Red Light District : "The Best Is Yet To Come" (feat. Liam Cormier) (Paroles / Lyrics)

Le nouvel album de The Amsterdam Red Light District baptisé Sapere Aude est maintenant sorti et le groupe lyonnais fête ça avec un nouvel extrait évidemment servi par un clip : "The Best Is Yet To Come" est vitaminé mais c'est aussi le seul morceau de l'album à proposer une collaboration. En effet, on retrouve sur cette piste la voix de Liam Cormier, chanteur et membre fondateur du groupe canadien Cancer Bats.

Pour cette vidéo, TARLD a fait appel à quelques figurants parmi lesquels on peut reconnaître plusieurs personnes très actives autour de la scène musicale lyonnaise. On y découvre une bagarre rangée, en bonne et due forme, rapidement interrompue par la communion autour de la musique. Fun.

All of these morning we spent together when we were young All of these nights we stayed up to see the morning sun A storm is near But the sun will come back again Can you hear the voices of despair Which bring out the worst in me All of these streets we knew This place we grew up in All of these people who were there since begining We're spending so much time We spent so many years Every moment we’ve lived Are stuck in our memory The worst is over now, the best is yet to come We were there when it began We’ll be there until the end We force you to give the best of yourself We were there when it began We’ll be there until the end Try to not forget it And all the stories that we never told And all the stories that we never told The storm is over The sun is shining again Can you feel this hope growing in your heart who bring out the best in us The worst is over now, the best is yet to come We were there when it began We’ll be there until the end We force you to give the best of yourself Try to not forget it

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