Même si cela fait désormais plus d'un an que le groupe évolue sans la présence de Tom, enchaînant les tournées pour promouvoir le dernier album All Our Gods Have Abandonned Us sorti en mai 2016, on sent que la période de deuil est loin d'être terminée. "Doomsday" est donc le premier titre composé sans Tom aux manettes et, il faut bien l'admettre, les britanniques s'en sortent plutôt pas mal sans lui. Cela dit, la mort de Tom risque d'être au centre des textes des futurs morceaux du groupe tant le traumatisme semble être profond.
Avec "Doosmday", le groupe fait un hommage non dissimulé à son guitariste parti trop tôt, le tout servi avec une vidéo dont les images aux dimensions mystiques rappellent fortement le film The Fountain de Darren Aronofsky sorti en 2006. Un film dont le propos semble tout à fait convenir à ce morceau.
Remember when Hell had frozen over ? / The cold still burns underneath my skin
The water is rising all around me / And there is nothing left I can give
All these tears I've shed / I saw the wildfire spread
You said you cheated death / But heaven was in my head
They say the good die young / No use in saying what is done is done
'Cos its not enough / And when the night gives way
It's like a brand new doomsday / What will be will be
Every river flows into the sea / But it's never enough
And when the night gives way / Its like like a brand new doomsday
No matter what they say / It's like a brand new doomsday
The embers still glow when I’m sober / The gold in the flame burns brighter now I have to rebuild now it's over / Maybe now I’m lost I can live Souls don’t break they bend / But I sometimes forget I have to do this for you / And the only way out is through Death is an open door / Words the prophets said Still swimming through my head / Now theres no stars left in the sky 'Cos this well will never run dry What if I completely forget ? What if I never accept ? 'Cos when you fade away Its like a brand new doomsday
The embers still glow when I’m sober / The gold in the flame burns brighter now I have to rebuild now it's over / Maybe now I’m lost I can live Souls don’t break they bend / But I sometimes forget I have to do this for you / And the only way out is through Death is an open door / Words the prophets said Still swimming through my head / Now theres no stars left in the sky 'Cos this well will never run dry What if I completely forget ? What if I never accept ? 'Cos when you fade away Its like a brand new doomsday
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