Afin de présenter le trio et sa musique, on a droit à un extrait du premier recueil que Royal Coda devrait livrer courant printemps 2018 servi par une vidéo qui fait davantage office d'habillage visuel que de réel clip (apparemment, les photos auraient été prises dans les années 80 au Japon, en Thaïlande, en Angleterre, en Argentine et aux USA). Voilà qui ne nous avance pas, certes, mais reconnaissons tout de même que les mecs du label Blue Swan savent y faire pour produire un Rock rapidement identifiable et qui fait tout de suite mouche, ce qui pourrait d'ailleurs lui valoir l'appellation de swancore.
I thought for sure you were the end of me, oh
I gave everything I could to you
just to see that loving smiling face
It wasn't in the cards for me and you
The problem's blue
I would have tried anything to save the contracts we made
Not knowing it was you who wanted out
I couldn't save
I would have tried anything to save what we made
Not knowing it was you who wanted out
Now the ship is sailing far away
From the harbor of love and stability
Stabbing right where it hurts by my left lung
And now the loneliness has just begun
I gave you everything
All you needed was love
I would have tried anything to save the contracts we made
Not knowing it was you who wanted out
You could have told me, you could have told me a long time ago
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