
[Vidéo] Resolve : "Rapture" (Paroles / Lyrics)

Le projet musical Resolve basé à Lyon prend véritablement forme avec un troisième titre en écoute, évidemment accompagné d'une vidéo.

"Rapture" avait été présenté sur la scène du Longlive Rockfest au mois de juin 2017 et il est désormais possible de l'écouter en boucle via la chaîne Youtube Dreambound. Après "Exposed" et "Abyss", "Rapture" semble s'attaquer à un problème de taille : la religion dans nos sociétés modernes. Un titre aux textes engagés et dénonciateurs. Vivement la sortie d'un recueil au format physique !

This atmosphere, this smell
All those people sane inside their holy places
This icy silence, the ringing of the bell
A bunch of liars, trying to hide themselves

I'm sick of being fooled by a book
Sick of being blinded by a veil
Blood flows, do they just enjoy the show?

They say white, I see gold
Too many untold stories, too many secrets
They say doves, I see crows
I'll never be the lamb of their fold

Broken homes in the name of those ghosts
So much energy wasted for the sake of wasting
Nourishing lies, dazzling light
We pay the price of your own fight
Breaking the bricks assembled by our own hands

I've been told they're listening, and blaspheme is a crime
I've been told they're watching, I guess they're fucking blind

Should we trust someone living in the sky
When we can't trust those by our side?

I'm sick of being fooled by a book
I'm done being blinded by a veil
Don't turn us into your martyrs
We won't save this world with prayers

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